Solcing Crimes with Data Science

Markus Harrer
INNOQ Deutschland

Facts of the case

  • a white bus with a red sign on the side window was stolen
  • police did an innovative mpbile phone investigation
  • there was only phone number of unknown identity: 04638472273

Our approach: Where are the whereabouts / place of residence of the mobile phone owner?

What do we have?

CDRs (Call Data Records) in an Excel file!

That means: Information about the cell towers used for the phone calls!

Import and Load

Using pandas to read an Excel file into a Dataframe.

In [18]:
import pandas as pd
cdr = pd.read_excel("cdr_data_export.xlsx")

Call Start TowerID
0 02666307251->04638472273 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 0db53dd3
1 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 21:18:30.053710 aeaf8b43
2 05481755331->04638472273 2010-12-25 14:52:42.878016 fadaa83f
3 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 16:02:09.001913 fadaa83f
4 02145623768->04638472273 2010-12-25 15:28:35.028554 95d7920d

Unfortunately: Information about the tower's locations are missing!

We need a second data source from the DARKNET!

Load another dataset

This time: a CSV file

In [2]:
towers = pd.read_csv("", index_col=0)

TowerLat TowerLon
0db53dd3 32.731611 -96.709417
aeaf8b43 32.731722 -96.709500
fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389
95d7920d 32.899944 -96.910389
95c91e8b 32.899944 -96.910389


Bringing datasets together

In [3]:
call_data = cdr.join(towers, on='TowerID')

Call Start TowerID TowerLat TowerLon
0 02666307251->04638472273 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 0db53dd3 32.731611 -96.709417
1 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 21:18:30.053710 aeaf8b43 32.731722 -96.709500
2 05481755331->04638472273 2010-12-25 14:52:42.878016 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389
3 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 16:02:09.001913 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389
4 02145623768->04638472273 2010-12-25 15:28:35.028554 95d7920d 32.899944 -96.910389

In [4]:
call_data[['Caller', 'Symbol', 'Callee']] = call_data['Call'].str.split("(->|-X)", expand=True)

Call Start TowerID TowerLat TowerLon Caller Symbol Callee
0 02666307251->04638472273 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 0db53dd3 32.731611 -96.709417 02666307251 -> 04638472273
1 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 21:18:30.053710 aeaf8b43 32.731722 -96.709500 01755442610 -> 04638472273
2 05481755331->04638472273 2010-12-25 14:52:42.878016 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 05481755331 -> 04638472273
3 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 16:02:09.001913 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 01755442610 -> 04638472273
4 02145623768->04638472273 2010-12-25 15:28:35.028554 95d7920d 32.899944 -96.910389 02145623768 -> 04638472273

In [5]:
call_data['Event'] = call_data['Symbol'].map(
    "->" : "Incoming",
    "-X" : "Missed"

Call Start TowerID TowerLat TowerLon Caller Symbol Callee Event
0 02666307251->04638472273 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 0db53dd3 32.731611 -96.709417 02666307251 -> 04638472273 Incoming
1 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 21:18:30.053710 aeaf8b43 32.731722 -96.709500 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming
2 05481755331->04638472273 2010-12-25 14:52:42.878016 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 05481755331 -> 04638472273 Incoming
3 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 16:02:09.001913 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming
4 02145623768->04638472273 2010-12-25 15:28:35.028554 95d7920d 32.899944 -96.910389 02145623768 -> 04638472273 Incoming


In [6]:
suspect_data = call_data[(call_data['Callee'] == '04638472273') | (call_data['Caller'] == '04638472273')].copy()

Call Start TowerID TowerLat TowerLon Caller Symbol Callee Event
0 02666307251->04638472273 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 0db53dd3 32.731611 -96.709417 02666307251 -> 04638472273 Incoming
1 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 21:18:30.053710 aeaf8b43 32.731722 -96.709500 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming
2 05481755331->04638472273 2010-12-25 14:52:42.878016 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 05481755331 -> 04638472273 Incoming
3 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 16:02:09.001913 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming
4 02145623768->04638472273 2010-12-25 15:28:35.028554 95d7920d 32.899944 -96.910389 02145623768 -> 04638472273 Incoming

In [7]:
suspect_data['Start'] = pd.to_datetime(suspect_data['Start'])

Call Start TowerID TowerLat TowerLon Caller Symbol Callee Event
0 02666307251->04638472273 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 0db53dd3 32.731611 -96.709417 02666307251 -> 04638472273 Incoming
1 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 21:18:30.053710 aeaf8b43 32.731722 -96.709500 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming
2 05481755331->04638472273 2010-12-25 14:52:42.878016 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 05481755331 -> 04638472273 Incoming
3 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 16:02:09.001913 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming
4 02145623768->04638472273 2010-12-25 15:28:35.028554 95d7920d 32.899944 -96.910389 02145623768 -> 04638472273 Incoming

In [8]:
suspect_data['DoW'] = suspect_data['Start'].dt.weekday_name

Call Start TowerID TowerLat TowerLon Caller Symbol Callee Event DoW
0 02666307251->04638472273 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 0db53dd3 32.731611 -96.709417 02666307251 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday
1 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 21:18:30.053710 aeaf8b43 32.731722 -96.709500 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday
2 05481755331->04638472273 2010-12-25 14:52:42.878016 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 05481755331 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday
3 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 16:02:09.001913 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday
4 02145623768->04638472273 2010-12-25 15:28:35.028554 95d7920d 32.899944 -96.910389 02145623768 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday

In [9]:
suspect_data.plot.scatter('TowerLon', "TowerLat");

In [10]:
suspect_on_weekend = suspect_data[suspect_data['DoW'].isin(['Saturday', 'Sunday'])].copy()

Call Start TowerID TowerLat TowerLon Caller Symbol Callee Event DoW
0 02666307251->04638472273 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 0db53dd3 32.731611 -96.709417 02666307251 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday
1 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 21:18:30.053710 aeaf8b43 32.731722 -96.709500 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday
2 05481755331->04638472273 2010-12-25 14:52:42.878016 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 05481755331 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday
3 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 16:02:09.001913 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday
4 02145623768->04638472273 2010-12-25 15:28:35.028554 95d7920d 32.899944 -96.910389 02145623768 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday

In [11]:
suspect_on_weekend.plot.scatter('TowerLon', "TowerLat");

In [12]:
suspect_on_weekend['hour'] = suspect_on_weekend['Start'].dt.hour

Call Start TowerID TowerLat TowerLon Caller Symbol Callee Event DoW hour
0 02666307251->04638472273 2010-12-25 07:16:24.736813 0db53dd3 32.731611 -96.709417 02666307251 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday 7
1 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 21:18:30.053710 aeaf8b43 32.731722 -96.709500 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday 21
2 05481755331->04638472273 2010-12-25 14:52:42.878016 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 05481755331 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday 14
3 01755442610->04638472273 2010-12-25 16:02:09.001913 fadaa83f 32.899944 -96.910389 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday 16
4 02145623768->04638472273 2010-12-25 15:28:35.028554 95d7920d 32.899944 -96.910389 02145623768 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday 15

In [13]:
suspect_on_weekend_night = suspect_on_weekend[
    (suspect_on_weekend['hour'] < 6)  | (suspect_on_weekend['hour'] > 22)]

Call Start TowerID TowerLat TowerLon Caller Symbol Callee Event DoW hour
7468 07756914135->04638472273 2011-04-17 05:15:40.205917 cd9f3b1a 32.731722 -96.709500 07756914135 -> 04638472273 Incoming Sunday 5
9753 07922223441->04638472273 2011-05-21 05:08:20.121145 0db53dd3 32.731611 -96.709417 07922223441 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday 5
17515 02666307251->04638472273 2011-09-11 05:44:15.432523 bcec0121 32.731611 -96.709417 02666307251 -> 04638472273 Incoming Sunday 5
31973 01755442610->04638472273 2012-04-14 05:42:32.004437 d760c426 32.731611 -96.709417 01755442610 -> 04638472273 Incoming Saturday 5
32604 07922223441->04638472273 2012-04-22 05:02:55.678110 8ba7e0d7 32.731611 -96.709417 07922223441 -> 04638472273 Incoming Sunday 5

In [14]:
ax = suspect_on_weekend_night.plot.scatter('TowerLat', 'TowerLon')

In [15]:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = 1)
data = suspect_on_weekend_night[['TowerLat', 'TowerLon']]
centroids = kmeans.cluster_centers_

In [16]:
ax.scatter(x = centroids[:, 0], y = centroids[:, 1], c = 'r', marker = 'x')


In [17]:

array([[ 32.73167155, -96.70946227]])